Hey everybody! I was recently asked to chat with Tim Melanson of Work at Home Rockstars! Tim is a web developer and a musician who has been self-employed for 15 years! Tim strives to help others to be successful with their work at home endeavors by sharing great tips and resources to educate and encourage them along their path! It was fun to chat with him! Here is how the show went down!
I told Tim how I first became self employed as a Work at Home Rockstar after working at a mind-numbingly boring nuclear waste facility in Idaho. Although it paid well, I was bored out of my mind. I shared how I started doing web design on the side (with my first customer being a local jewelry store) and the work began to grow and was much more fulfilling.
Tim asked if I was scared to leave my government-funded, secure job, to which I replied a definite, “YES!” We were struggling for a while after making the switch and actually ended up audited by the IRS. It was crazy.
Tim also asked an excellent question about whether any of our family was supportive of the big step we took. We had a lot of resistance. Even today although we are successful with Traffic and Leads, my mom still thinks in her heart of hearts that I am making jewelry in my basement and selling it on Etsy (not that there is ANYTHING wrong with that trade)!
He then asked how we knew it was going to work out. I told him I really didn’t know! I just couldn’t take going to work at an office every day any longer. I hated what I was doing and couldn’t handle my life that way. We decided to take steps to wake up and enjoy what we were doing, being in control of our jobs.
I also shared some fun things, like what my hobbies are. My husband makes fun of me for not having any (he has an xbox at 40 and loves doing that), but I really do. I love working at increasing my conversion rate and reading books about how to do it.
Tim asked an excellent question. He asked me to pinpoint a big mistake that I made on our journey that helped me to wake up and get things moving forward. I shared TWO but you’ll have to listen in to find out what they are!
You will also hear in this episode:
- Who helps me in my business – both mentors and those who work under me
- About my two business coaches
- A third mistake that I made in my self-employment
- How I found my business coaches
- Why I believe podcasts are an excellent way to get to know people and more clients
- How I schedule my life since I work from home
- The importance of health among self-employed individuals
- Whether I would recommend that people work with their spouse
- The first step I believe someone should take if they want to start a home business
Of course, I also share about what we do for entrepreneurs over at Trafficandleads.com with our all-inclusive, supportive program that includes free training, regular phone calls – all for just $50/month!