Crow grew the best corn in the county, and everybody in the area would line up to buy his sweet, crunchy, delicious corn. But Crow wanted more. He could grow more corn, but to sell it he had to reach out to people outside of his small town. It was time for Crow to take his fledgling business online! His website was launched, but no matter how hard he tried he was unable to reach the pool of customers that he knew would quench his thirst for more business.

Crow wondered if the internet was too large and if he would be able to target the people that he knew would love his corn. Then he thought about how he found success in his own town. He was passionate about gardening, and loved his vegetables, especially the corn. As he talked about this passion with people in his community, they became intrigued and asked to try some. Those people told their friends and soon the entire town was asking for some corn. Could that path to success be repeated online?
Crow went on social media, and started talking about what he was passionate about. Every day he would post a gardening tip, a video showing off his farm, or a recipe. People started asking questions and commenting, and Crow enjoyed the opportunity to interact with new people about his corn. Slowly, with each post Crow dropped into his social media page, his fans rose. And his patience and perseverance paid off! When it was time for Crow to announce his latest harvest, new customers were easily within reach.

The moral of the story is: Online marketing can be a slow process. However, with patience and perseverance you can reach a new pool of new customers.