The Answer to All of Your Digital Marketing Problems…

answer to digital marketing problems

Are you struggling with your marketing? Is your business not bringing in clients with digital marketing? I have the answer to these digital marketing problems and more, and that answer is my membership program. For just $97 per month, you get a HUGE variety of benefits, including a weekly training, access to my staff, and […]

Run to the Roar: Don’t Let Fear Stop You

When I was growing up, my family’s motto was, “Run to the roar.” That comes from how, in nature, male lions will roar to spook its prey so that it runs right into the waiting lionesses. So what does that mean for you? Well… it means sometimes, you need to turn and face the scary […]

How Big Is Your Email List? (It Doesn’t Matter)

how big is your email list

I’ve had clients with 1,500 people on their email list or 15,000 people on their email list have the same kind of success with email marketing. It’s not about the size; it’s about how you utilize it! Are you keeping your list warm and building trust?

3 Psychological Effects Impacting Your Online Marketing

3 Psychological Effects Impacting Your Online Marketing

One of the reasons people don’t create content, especially videos, is because they are stuck in their own head. Content is SUCH an important part of being successful in a long-term online marketing campaign. Have you fallen “victim” to any of these? The Spotlight Effect The Pratfall Effect The Mere Exposure Effect

Your Digital Marketing Mindset Has to Change

When you have so much going on with your business, it’s so easy for things like email marketing to take a back seat. But you need to prioritize your marketing because without it, it will be very hard to pick up new clients… and it all begins with your mindset!

Motivation is Not Enough to Get You to the Finish Line

You don’t need another motivational video, book, or program because your motivation will only take you so far. You need a lesson on self-discipline. Every day you can teach yourself to be more disciplined. And this applies to everyone—including me! After all, in the words of Yoda: “Do or do not; there is no try.”

The CLICK Technique: I for Irresistible Offer

Irresistible Offer

Lately, I’ve been discussing the crap out of The CLICK Technique, and for a good reason: it works! It really, truly works. This week’s discussion is all about the “I” in CLICK: your irresistible offer. Irresistible offers are a fantastic way to build trust and connect to potential leads. Your irresistible offer will be the […]

The CLICK Technique

The CLICK Technique

Do you feel too busy and overwhelmed to know which online marketing strategy is going to help your small business grow? Do you understand the importance of online marketing, but implementing your own strategy keeps getting pushed to the back-burner because you just aren’t sure what tactics to focus on or what methods are going […]

Example Email Sequence (Send this after they Opt-In!)

Example Email Sequence

So, you’re a website master! You’ve got your opt-in, you’ve got your pop-up. So now what? Nurture, nurture, nurture! Don’t just send them their free PDF and forget about them! You need a follow up email sequence. Now, I know a few of you are probably wondering “how do I do that?” So, I made […]

What is an irresistible offer?

Irresistible offer, Opt-In, White Paper, Give Away… have you heard of these? Do you need one? What is it? Find out in this video.