Do You Like My Name?

Ian and I join Jeff, our personal trainer, for a Zoom workout every weekday morning at 6:30 AM. At one point, while Jeff was seemingly devising the next tortuous set, he said: “Hey Lindsey, while you’re guzzling that water and trying to desperately remember why you actually PAY for this torture, let me ask what […]

Overcome Resistance and Get Shiz Done

overcome resistance

I just finished a pretty good book by Steven Pressfield called “The War Of Art.” It’s a unique and slightly militant approach on how to identify, defeat, and unlock the inner barriers of creativity. The thesis of this book is, if you can overcome resistance, you can actually make changes in your life that are […]

Top 37 Entrepreneurs In Portland, Oregon

Top 37 Entrepreneurs in Portland

Many of you know that I’m based in Portland, and I will always have a soft spot for this city. That being said, I think Portland has some of the biggest varieties of niche businesses, brands, and entrepreneurs. The city, known for being “weird,” draws in many small business owners and entrepreneurs with dreams for […]

19 Steps to Start A Career in Digital Marketing

As technology improves and the internet becomes a larger part of our business lives, more and more people are looking to start a career in digital marketing. Whether they want to focus on SEO, PPC or running their own agency, the idea of being a digital marketer is becoming more and more attainable, as well […]

Charyse Williams: Scaling Your Coaching Business with VIP Days & Invite-Only Events

In this episode, I had the pleasure of interviewing successful online coach Charyse Williams. Charyse specializes in transformational coaching for female clinicians aspiring to build their own coaching businesses. Throughout our conversation, she shares invaluable insights into her strategies for invite-only events, VIP days, and coaching program development. Tune in to this episode to gain inspiration and discover new techniques for scaling your online coaching business.

Dominating High-Ticket Sales Calls For Coaches

Welcome to The Millionaire Maker Show! I’m Lindsey Anderson, your host, and as a business coach for coaches with over 20 years of experience, I’m excited to bring you valuable insights on dominating sales calls for high-ticket coaching programs.

How to Build An Email List for Your Coaching Business


Do you struggle to reach your online audience consistently? In this article, I’m going to share why email lists are so vital for your coaching business. And not only that—I’m even going to show you how to build an email list! First, I want to let you in on a little secret—the email list is […]

The 7 Scary Truths About Running a Successful Online Coaching Business

scary truths about coaching business

Have you ever found a business partner, hired a coach, or purchased a program and thought… “This coach/program/partner is going to SAVE me.” I have. Here are just a few of their names: Ben. Joe. Ben (I have a thing for Bens, I guess). Jim. Charlie. Kelly. Kevin. Ian. Let me tell you a secret… […]

How to Market Your Online Business by Making the Most of Your Webinar

How to Market Your Online Business

You want to know how to market your online business, and you want to know how you can use webinars to do it. Good news–you’ve come to the right place! Webinars are a medium that’s overlooked far too frequently. These things have a ton of uses, and can be a key part in your marketing […]