How to Use Pinterest for Business to Ensure Your Success

How to Use Pinterest for Business to Ensure Your Success

When people talk about social media marketing, you expect to hear about the same websites over and over again—Facebook, Instagram, LinkedIn, and Twitter. And while they’re all the staple of online marketing, a new website is emerging that gives you the same traffic and leads you’re looking for in a new way—Pinterest. That’s right! Before […]

The Success of Facebook Ads, and Facebook Ads Best Practices

facebook ads best practices

When it comes to online marketing, social media is the cornerstone for nearly everything we do. How we choose to put ourselves out there—and the ways we choose to do it—are important if we want to ensure that we’re getting the best results we can. So, when it comes to Facebook ads and Facebook ads […]

The Many Faces Of The Twitter Star

A fist bump, a vote of agreement, a bookmark or “similar to a Facebook like.”   What exactly is the “favorite” function on Twitter and what should it be used for? Find out on today’s ‪#‎whatiswednesday‬. I bring this topic up because I had a client that wasn’t seeing a ton of engagement on Twitter. […]

5 Ways to Harness the Power of Instagram Marketing Tools to Boost Your Visibility

5 Ways to Harness the Power of Instagram Marketing Tools

Social media is an ever-growing market, which is why when using newer ones like Instagram you should make good use of Instagram marketing tools. I know what you’re thinking: Instagram? Why Instagram? When it comes to social media, Facebook, Twitter, LinkedIn are usually the ones that jump to the forefront of your mind, but they’re […]

Broadcasting Live, From a Phone Near You

The end of summer brought an internet sensation that had online marketing professionals buzzing with excitement.  Many are saying that this new app will “change the internet forever” and that it’s the beginning of “Web 3.0.”  What is it?  Find out on today’s #WhatIsWednesday. Live streaming video gives anyone with a smart phone the ability […]

60 Social Media Marketing Influencers to Follow

60 Social Media Marketing Influencers to Follow Lindsey Anderson Lindseya

Social media affects nearly everything we do nowadays. The outreach you can have for your business quickly launched from local to global with the presence of people all over the world using social media for their everyday needs. Because of this, the way we can grow our businesses has also expanded, and the ways we […]

Web Strategy on Mimika TV

web strategy

I had a great interview with Miss Mimika Cooney on her hit web TV show called Mimika TV.  We covered a lot of important web strategy tips so I decided to write out all the details for everyone who would rather read than listen!   If you want to listen, check it out here.     […]

8 Small Business Facebook Rules Explained In Animated Gifs

You worked hard to get people to “like” your Facebook Page.  Now follow these rules to make sure you they don’t change their mind. 1) Use proper punctuation, grammar and spelling.  You want to look professional, so don’t type like you’re writing a text. 2) Do not cause or get involved with any drama.  Before you post […]

40 Of The Best Social Media Marketing Tools

40 Of The Best Social Media Marketing Tools

. Before we talk about 40 of the Best Social Media Marketing Tools, Picture this: Miranda owns a small bakery in Tualatin, Oregon. She specializes in novelty cakes and wants to expand her business, but to do that, she needs to expand her client base. She has a vast network from previous work experiences, events […]

Facebook Boost Post – Will It Bust your Bank Account?

Facebook Boost Post - Will It Bust your Bank Account?

As a small business owner on Facebook, you may have noticed the little Facebook boost post button down in the bottom corner, tempting you to hit it every time you post something.  A quick google search or conversation with your online marketing expert will usually be met with a harsh scolding.  “Do not EVER hit the […]