Keyword Research
What exactly is your customer looking for? Doing a little bit of keyword research on what your intended audience is using when searching for your product or service is crucial, not only for carrying out a Search Engine Optimization campaign, but also for content creation. You may think you know, but you’d be surprised how often what […]
Online Marketing Apocalypse
Google & Facebook have made announcements and folks are screaming that it’s the “online marketing apocalypse.” You could see a huge drop in Facebook likes for your business page and a possible drop in your search engine rankings if your site isn’t mobile friendly! Watch this video to find out why these announcements are actually […]
Backlink Monday
Back to work means #BackLinkMonday. Backlinks are an important part of increasing your rank on the search engines. Each Monday I will provide you one small step you can take to help your website increase it’s search engine rankings. This video will tell you why it’s important. Here is my list, it will be updated […]
Search Engine Optimization in a Nutshell
Search Engine Optimization in a nutshell. The hows and whys of who’s going to be chosen by Google to be first in its search results.
Google Keyword Planner: Does Anyone Even Search For This In Google?
What keywords are your clients searching for in Google? Google has the answer, you just need to know where to look.
Enduring Edwin
Search Engine Optimization (SEO) is the process of getting your website to be listed at the top of search engine searches, most importantly, Google. This process can be a time-consuming and expensive process. Enduring Edwin is here to remind you to set a budget your comfortable with, and be patient. Remember, all good things to […]
Get listed on Google
Click here to get your list of the top 10 most powerful places to get your business listed online. Below is the crib sheet from my Get Listed on Google Marketing Minute Video. Follow the steps below to get listed on Google’s local results. 1. Create a Google account. 2. Go to 3. Select […]
Online Marketing Strategy Basics
I was recently interviewed by Mr. Nile Nickel of the Social Media Business Hour Podcast. We had a lot of fun talking about online marketing strategies. We covered a lot of online marketing strategy topics including social media marketing, websites, landing pages and email sequences. Check out the highlights below: How social media marketing […]
What Keywords Should I Use? If A Blog Lands on the Internet and Nobody is There to Read It…
Content creation is the most important thing a small business can do in order to start ranking on the search engines, with or without hiring a professional SEO company. However, just creating content isn’t enough, you have to have a plan. I recently had a client come to me who had been blogging religiously, twice […]