What Super Bowl XLIX Can Teach You About Online Marketing

Straight up, I am a Seahawks fan and the end of the Super Bowl was difficult to stomach. As much as I don’t want to rehash the pain of last Sunday night, I will, because there was some really important lessons that small businesses can apply to their online marketing strategies. 1. Adapt Seahawks lost […]

How to Market Your Online Business by Making the Most of Your Webinar

How to Market Your Online Business

You want to know how to market your online business, and you want to know how you can use webinars to do it. Good news–you’ve come to the right place! Webinars are a medium that’s overlooked far too frequently. These things have a ton of uses, and can be a key part in your marketing […]

50 Top Instagram Marketing Tools to Skyrocket Your Instagram Marketing

50 Top Instagram Marketing Tools to Skyrocket Your Instagram Marketing

Social media has become a must-have in the world of digital marketing, and making sure that you’re using these platforms in the most effective way possible is crucial for online success. We know about the tried and true classics that are necessary—Facebook and Twitter, to name a few—and those are still so important, but it […]

3 Powerful Ideas For a Successful SAAS Sales Strategy

saas sales strategy

When it comes to generating successful traffic, you want to make sure you’re using a SAAS sales strategy that’s beneficial for everyone. Spending money you don’t have on techniques that don’t work is just a waste of time and resources. So how do you go about ensuring that you’re doing everything you can to get […]

Hiring a Freelancer: 4 Tips to Help You Find the Best of the Best

Hiring a Freelancer: 4 Tips to Help You Find the Best of the Best

Business owners rely on strong, capable employees to get the job done when they can’t be around. With how busy the life of a business owner is, the amount of things you need to do doesn’t always coincide with the amount of time you have to do it. Hiring people locally might seem like the […]

How to Use Pinterest for Business to Ensure Your Success

How to Use Pinterest for Business to Ensure Your Success

When people talk about social media marketing, you expect to hear about the same websites over and over again—Facebook, Instagram, LinkedIn, and Twitter. And while they’re all the staple of online marketing, a new website is emerging that gives you the same traffic and leads you’re looking for in a new way—Pinterest. That’s right! Before […]

The Success of Facebook Ads, and Facebook Ads Best Practices

facebook ads best practices

When it comes to online marketing, social media is the cornerstone for nearly everything we do. How we choose to put ourselves out there—and the ways we choose to do it—are important if we want to ensure that we’re getting the best results we can. So, when it comes to Facebook ads and Facebook ads […]

Sales Stools: How to Get More Sales

how to get more sales

Here at my company, Traffic and Leads, my team and I are experts on digital marketing, and we also know all the secrets to get more sales. So, what is the difference between a good idea and a good idea that makes sales? There are three fundamental aspects to getting sales; I call it the […]

How to Use a Live Event as a Marketing Tool

How to Use a Live Event as a Marketing Tool

The ways to market and promote yourself and your business are expanding every single day. However, with all the focus we do on online marketing, it’s easy to forget the ways to promote your business offline. Yes, advertising goes hand-in-hand with promoting your business offline, but there’s a different way to spread the word. Live […]

How To Make A Webinar Presentation: The 5 Core Components

How To Make A Webinar Presentation: The 5 Core Components

With the uprising of social media marketing, we find that most of the interaction we have each day happens over the world wide web. Whether it be through emails or direct messages on things like Facebook and Twitter, using the internet is undoubtedly the main way to reach out to our audience. But when it […]