Online Marketing: Quality over Quantity

Quality Over Quantity

I had a client that really wanted to purchase some email addresses this week so her list would be bigger and she’d have more people to market to. I had to talk her down from the ledge and let her know that her list, although smallish, was really engaged and wanted to hear from her. […]

Inbound Unboxed Podcast: Targeted Website Traffic

Targeted Website Traffic

This week my friend, Nicholas Scalice and I,  had a great conversation on his Inbound Unboxed Podcast.   Nicholas and I met on Triberr and we have a lot in common.  Nicholas and I both run online marketing companies, we both started a podcast this week and we both understand the power of inbound marketing […]

Best Social Media Platform For Small Business

I get asked this question a lot: “Which social media platform should I be using to advertise my small business?” The easy answer is, find out where your customers are and be on that social media platform. The other easy answer is Facebook. I have yet to find a demographic that I can’t find on […]

School For StartUps – Online Marketing Basics

I had a total blast with Jim Beach on School For Startups Radio. In this super fun podcast we covered the following online marketing basics: What is an irresistible offer. How frequently you should reach out and touch your potential clients. How your website visitors are like a two year old. How content marketing works. […]

How To Win At The Game Of Online Marketing

Social media is a great way to catch that new customer. However, it’s not as simple as putting out a piece of cheese.  But if you have patience and dedication, then it really is the better mouse-trap.  Watch this video to find out more! Awesome online marketing tips & a Kindle Fire Giveaway… what could […]

Web Marketing Basics – Stick Like Glue Radio

Want to know the basics of creating your own profitable web funnel? Check out my podcast interview with Jim Palmer – The Newsletter Guru. Jim is a marketing and business building expert and it was such a pleasure to be on his Stick Like Glue podcast. I also get to go and meet Jim next […]

Cracking the QR Code

Today’s ‪#‎WhatIsWednesday‬ is about those funny little codes that are plastered on advertisements, billboards, business windows and products. What are they? How do you get one? Do you need one? A QR Code is short for “Quick Response Code.” You can download a QR Code reader on your phone, scan one of these codes and […]

Online Marketing Apocalypse

Google & Facebook have made announcements and folks are screaming that it’s the “online marketing apocalypse.”  You could see a huge drop in Facebook likes for your business page and a possible drop in your search engine rankings if your site isn’t mobile friendly! Watch this video to find out why these announcements are actually […]

Persistent Pete

Frustrated with your online marketing efforts because they aren’t working? They never do at first! Time for another Lindseys Web Comic.