7 Monsters Keeping You Away From Digital Marketing Success
What scary things keep you up at night as a small business owner? Everybody has frightening marketing tasks lurking under their bed, and rather than face those terrors, many of us lie there, covers pulled up tight under our chin, paralyzed with fear. This Halloween, I want us all to shine a flashlight under our […]
How to Win at the Game of Digital Marketing
Digital marketing is a great way to “catch” new clients. I’ll walk you through the essential steps of digital marketing via the classic game of Mousetrap. I don’t know about you… but I’ve never really been able to get the dang thing to work, and I doubt this video will be any different. Dollars to […]
Don’t “Christmas Carol” Your Content
If your house is home to an Elf on the Shelf, then it’s safe to assume that you have experienced waking up in the middle of the night – out of a deep sleep – in FULL-ON panic mode because you can’t remember if you moved that evil little elf. That’s just the initial problem… […]
What You Can Learn from Wendy’s Twitter Account
Everyone knows it’s Wendys… Yeah, I realize that’s not the name of the song but putting that tune in your head is a peppy way of starting a Monday morning. You’re welcome. Now let’s talk about Wendy’s. Yeah, the hamburger chain. The best thing about it may not be their burgers, but their Twitter account. […]
The ONE Facebook Ad You Should Always Be Running
The ONE Facebook ad you should always be running for your business is a retargeting ad. Retargeting ads are so powerful because you are targeting a warm audience. They’ve visited your website and seen your services, which implies they’re at least a little bit interested, which makes them prime for advertising. You WILL see results […]
5 Figure Challenge Method
This is a method I’ve been utilizing for a while now, and goodness gracious, does it work wonders! Recently, I helped my client execute it, and she sent me a screenshot of the results—over $14,000! It’s simple: create a pop-up Facebook group challenge that will be useful for your audience. For example, I’ve run challenges […]
Are Skills Born or Built?
I’ve met a lot of people who stop themselves from doing something new because they don’t have the skill or they think it’s not something they can handle. Well, I’m here to answer the question, are skills born or built? And the answer is easy—they are DEFINITELY built! Your brain is like any other muscle. […]
The Number One Thing You Need For Digital Marketing Success…
The one thing you need for digital marketing success… is tenacity. You need tenacity and consistency to build your digital marketing callouses and set yourself up for success! There are three important questions that you need to ask yourself, too: Can I do it? – YES! You can do it! I know you can! You […]
The Answer to All of Your Digital Marketing Problems…
Are you struggling with your marketing? Is your business not bringing in clients with digital marketing? I have the answer to these digital marketing problems and more, and that answer is my membership program. For just $97 per month, you get a HUGE variety of benefits, including a weekly training, access to my staff, and […]
Run to the Roar: Don’t Let Fear Stop You
When I was growing up, my family’s motto was, “Run to the roar.” That comes from how, in nature, male lions will roar to spook its prey so that it runs right into the waiting lionesses. So what does that mean for you? Well… it means sometimes, you need to turn and face the scary […]