The Answer to This One Question Will Determine Your 2019
There’s really only one question you need to ask yourself to see if you’re going to have an awesome 2019: are you going to keep doing the same things you did in 2018, or are you going to bust out of your comfort zone and take some risks to step it up? If you don’t […]
Your Current Digital Marketing Strategy: Keep or Toss?
It’s a tradition around our house that sometime during December before the big guy brings a slew of new “stuff”, the family works together, and we play a game called… “Keep or Toss.” I spent yesterday torturing my kiddos with this game. I sorted through toys, stuffies, artwork, and games and asked my three kids […]
Activation Energy – The Science of Getting Started
How many times have you put off starting something, only to realize that the task was relatively easy once you finally got off your butt and got started? In chemistry, the amount of energy it takes to actually start something is called activation energy, and I’m sure you can agree that for some tasks, trying […]
Stop Hitting Your Inner Snooze Button
Ohhhhhh that dreaded internal snooze button. You know the one. If you’re like most entrepreneurs, you hit it every day, multiple times a day! It starts with a new opportunity, a phone call, a Facebook LIVE, a blog post that needs doing… It’s a fleeting thought because you’re an expert at hitting that “inner snooze […]
Podcasting on Steroids: A Strategy For Any Business
I host two podcasts. The Traffic and Leads Podcast. This bad boy has been live for years. It brings in some clients and has hundreds of downloads per episode. The PDX Small Business Network Podcast is a wee little thing I launched last year. This podcast gets a whopping 30 downloads per episode but has […]
Aristotle: The Distinguished Digital Marketer
Seth Godin, Gary V, Joe Pulizzi, and … Aristotle? Yeah! That sounds about right. In an alternate reality where Aristotle was born in 1984 vs. 384 BC. I have no doubt we’d be reading about the latest digital marketing tactics on his blog Aristotle taught that every persuasive argument relied on three pillars: Ethos, […]
Content Marketing Fantasyland & Busting Marketing Myths
Content marketing is an impressive strategy to generate clients for your small business. However… there are quite a few myths that are floating around about how exactly this powerhouse of a strategy works. Many folks that I talk to HOPE and DREAM to one day live in Content Marketing Fantasyland. You know… the influx of […]
Digital Marketing and the Frustrated Musician
I got to thinking about the one thing I wish I could have told young One-Click Lindsey… “Sit DOWN and practice the piano!” I practiced some as a kid and was mediocre, but I was never great, and to this DAY I wish I would have stuck with it so I could tickle the ivories […]
It’s Marketing… Not Magic
You’ve heard the stories… “I put a dollar into Facebook, and magically, $5,000.00 comes out!” “I was broke, and now I make 6 figures thanks to a highly automated funnel!” “I changed my mindset, started to invest in digital marketing, and now I’m raking in loads of clients and money right now.” “I fly all […]
Let’s Talk About the Digital Marketing Doldrums in Your Life
Let’s talk about Digital Marketing Doldrums. How many years have you made a goal to get your digital marketing bringing in a dependable stream of traffic and leads only to be left confused and frustrated because you aren’t sure HOW to do it? You move onto paying bills, getting new clients, servicing old clients and […]