In this episode, I’m diving into the importance of asking tough questions during sales calls. We’ll explore how crucial it is to have clarity and truly understand your client’s current and future states. I’ll also cover the gap selling technique and how effective it is for high-ticket sales. Plus, I’ll emphasize why it’s so important to quantify the gap and present tailored solutions.

From Prospect To Client: The Art Of Selling To The Gap – Key Takeaways

Beliefs Around Sales

Let’s talk about changing those negative perceptions about salespeople. It’s so important to embrace the salesperson label for business growth. I’ll share some personal anecdotes about how I overcame my own aversion to sales.

Gap Selling Explained

To effectively use gap selling, you need to understand both the current state and future state of your prospects. Use their language to prescribe solutions effectively and avoid generic pitches by tailoring the offer to their specific needs.

Practical Tips

Key Quotes

Resources Mentioned


Embrace the role of a salesperson to grow your online business. Use the art of gap selling to truly understand and address your client’s needs. Implement these practical tips for more effective sales calls and always look to improve your sales approach through iteration and learning.